SURE Eurodelta Meet & Learn #3: CircuLaw

30 June - 2023 , Online

12:00-13:00 CEST

Arjan Hassing, Circular Innovation Strategist, City of Amsterdam

CircuLaw, initiated by the City of Amsterdam and Dark Matter Labs, is a new knowledge platform aiming at more and better use of legislation.

The transition towards a circular economy is a prerequisite for achieving our climate goals, however currently material consumption is only increasing.

According to national advisory boards an intensification of policy is required: governments should use different, more coercive instruments. This should accelerate the transition and create a level playing field for circular frontrunners.

It helps policy makers, project leads and buyers to navigate legal complexity, find the right instruments and offers support in implementation.

About this event series
The SURE Eurodelta network is preparing a common project on circular economy in the Eurodelta. In the run-up to this, the network is embarking on a series of ‘meet and learn’ webinars to explore some of the relevant themes.